Ohio Archers Association - General Archery https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog archery club en-us Sat, 27 Jul 2024 03:15:00 -0800 Sun, 8 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0800 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss info@ohioarchers.com info@ohioarchers.com info@ohioarchers.com no How Five Top Archers Got Their Start https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/12/how-five-top-archers-got-their-start <p>have you ever watched a professional archer shoot a brilliant set of arrows, and wondered how they did it? we asked five top archers how they started in archery, which steps helped them reach such high levels, and what advice they offer up-and-coming archers.</p> <h2>jacob wukie – usa: recurve</h2> <p><img alt='' src='https://www.archery360.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/1-jacob-wukie-shore-shot-archery-youtube.png' /></p> <p>jacob wukie takes the line at the 2019 gator cup. photo credit: shore shot archery youtube</p> <ul> <li><strong>when did you realize you wanted to get into archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i did a lot of hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, etc. from a young age i wanted to learn to shoot archery so i could bowhunt. somewhere around my early teenage years i shot my first 3d competition, and very much enjoyed it. i became very competitive in 3d archery, eventually became interested in the olympics, got a recurve bow to start down that path, and made the switch to olympic style archery when i went to college.</p> <ul> <li><strong>where did you practice? was it a large facility or smaller range?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i did almost all my practice in the backyard until i went to college. i also had 24-hour access to a small indoor range 45 minutes away. i used that periodically during winter, or if i needed to shoot at night. i also shot in winter leagues. even during winter, i did most of my practice in my parents’ barn.</p> <ul> <li><strong>how often did you practice then, and how often do you practice now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>my practice varied from a couple of sessions a week, to every day, depending on my excitement level and what i was training for. once i became more competitive, five or six days of training weekly was normal. my training now varies considerably, depending on my work schedule and what other life events are happening. i have a four-week work schedule, so one week per month my schedule is very open. i shoot six out of seven days, and i get in 1,600 to 1,800 arrows that week. the remaining three weeks i typically get two full days and two half-days of practice when i’m in competition mode. my wife works very hard during competition season to give me time to train, so now that the season’s over i’m making a point to spend more time with her and our two daughters. i’m shooting 50 to 100 arrows two to four nights a week after the girls go to bed to keep some strength. i continue to fine-tune a few technique changes i made this year.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what technique did you focus on when starting, and which techniques do you focus on now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i was self-taught, and would just ask the opinion of whoever was standing closest at the time. that probably wasn’t the most productive way to get started, but i learned to analyze their techniques, which has been very valuable. before switching to recurve, i shot compound fingers when shooting 3d archery. when i was shooting my best, i  shot with a bent bow arm, straight wrist, my fingers all fully extended, only contacting the grip in the web of my hand. i held the string with my middle and index fingers, both below the nock, put my thumb behind my ear, and then twisted my string hand out away from my face until the string was about to slip. when i was ready to shoot, i would just continue that twist, and my hand would flip out away from my face. i closed my bow hand quickly to grab the bow so it wouldn’t fall. that was my shot. i did everything wrong that i could have possibly done wrong, but somehow it all worked together fairly well. now i very much adhere to the way coach lee teaches technique, so depending on what area of my shot needs the most work to get closer to the way he likes, that’s what i focus on.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what was the most important thing you learned when starting?</strong></li> </ul> <p>that i liked it. i enjoyed shooting, and getting together with people and going to tournaments.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you wish someone would have told you then?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i don’t have any regrets. there are a million ways i could have been better than i was, especially in my technique. in the end, i don’t think that held me back much. the key to improving and getting to my highest level was my view that there is a right way to do every aspect of the shot. i had my opinion on what the right way was, and i worked hard to be honest enough with myself to change my opinion when i realized i might not have been seeing the whole picture.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what steps did you take to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>my first step toward­ olympic archery was when i saw a guy wearing an olympic trials shirt at a 3d shoot i attended. i tapped him on the shoulder and started asking questions, and he actually coordinated getting me my first recurve bow. the following year, i went to and watched the first day of the 2004 olympic trials. i sat down next to rick white, who taught me a lot about the trials process, and he ended up coaching me for several years. i started training primarily with my recurve when i went to james madison university in the fall of 2004, and learned a lot from the coaches, including bob ryder and andy puckett. while at jmu, i got introduced into competing in target archery; starting with smaller indoor competitions, then some collegiate outdoor events, and then national ranking events such as the texas shootout, arizona cup and nationals. i made my first u.s. archery team in 2007, and moved out to the olympic training center on july 4th, 2007. i split up my time over the next several years between finishing my degree at jmu and training at the center. i spent nearly four years training under kisik lee. i really applied myself in two areas: learning and applying proper technique, and physically and mentally pushing myself every day to my limit.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what would you suggest as a competition for new archers?</strong></li> </ul> <p>whatever competition is close and convenient. whether it’s a local tournament or a major event, they’re all great ways to begin building your skills. very early in my shooting, i competed in the ibo world championships. i lost every arrow i owned, and finished the tournament with an arrow i found on the practice field, which i later returned. i’m sure i placed last, but i still had a good time, and it was a starting place. indoor leagues are a great place to start as well. they consistently put you in a little bit of a competition mindset, and you develop some camaraderie with the people you shoot with.</p> <ul> <li><strong>which key skills are important to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>to compete at that level, several areas are critical.</p> <ol> <li>mindset: you have to develop a healthy mindset. that can be tricky. everyone is different and comes from different life experiences, so everyone will have different sticking points. there are a lot of different ideologies when it comes to mindset. many people, while trying to be helpful, will tell you to think positive. there’s nothing wrong with that, but at the olympic level it’s a little too simplistic. it takes more than that to learn to be excellent mentally. it’s not necessarily difficult, and it’s certainly achievable, but build your mental game on something more than other people’s well-meaning comments.</li> <li>work ethic and determination: the ability to put all you have into your sport during practice and competition is not something people naturally have, and it’s not easily attainable. while i don’t have a specific recipe, some combination of striving to be the standard of hard work and determination, while training alongside others of the same mindset, is certainly a good starting point.</li> <li>technique: regardless of what line of thinking you buy into about technique, you have to know how to execute a good shot, arrow after arrow. i believe coach lee has by far figured out, more than anyone else, the best way to use the human body to execute controlled, consistent shots under pressure. i encourage every archer to apply themselves toward learning that technique the way coach lee teaches it.</li> </ol> <ul> <li><strong>what do you tell new archers looking to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>you can learn from anybody. become a student of the sport. you’ll see archers doing everything “wrong” and they’re high-level, consistent archers. you’ll see others doing everything “right” and they struggle. you can glean a lot of information from those extremes and everything in between.</p> <p>it’s a great aspiration and well worth your time to pursue. that being said, i have two precautions:</p> <ol> <li>know when it’s the right time to give it all you’ve got, to push yourself way beyond enjoyment to reach a level of excellence, and when to enjoy the sport. if you get that wrong, you can burn yourself out and lose your drive, which can be hard to get back.</li> <li>i’ll use a common phrase: if you’re not enough without the olympics, you won’t be enough with it. don’t make the olympics your identity. you might very well give your entire life to it, and it becomes a big part of who you are. that’s great, but if in your mind the olympics is what makes you “you,”that’s a recipe for disappointment.</li> </ol> <h2>alexis ruiz – usa: compound</h2> <p><img alt='' src='https://www.archery360.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2-alexis-ruiz-world-archery.jpg' /></p> <p>ruiz recently took home gold at the hyundai world cup. photo credit: world archery</p> <ul> <li><strong>when did you realize you wanted to get into archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i wanted to get into archery when i was young because my dad is a bowhunter, and i wanted to bowhunt like him.</p> <ul> <li><strong>where did you first practice? was it a large facility or smaller range?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i started practicing at a charter school i went to for nasp. when i got my first compound, i started shooting at a club called corner archery.</p> <ul> <li><strong>how often did you practice then, and how often do you practice now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i only practiced a couple of times a week when i started, but i practice every day and i shoot about 300 arrows now.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what techniques did you focus on when starting, and which techniques do you focus on now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i focused on every part of my form when i started shooting, but i focus on aiming now.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what was the most important thing you learned when starting?</strong></li> </ul> <p>to have fun and enjoy what i’m doing.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you wish someone would have told you then?</strong></li> </ul> <p>how big archery was, and how many friends i would make when i started. i had no idea how big the sport was.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what was the best advice you received?</strong></li> </ul> <p>my mom told me to enjoy every tournament, even if i do not do as well as i hope, because i get to travel. most people do not get to travel as much as i do.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what steps did you take to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i worked hard every day, and i kept my goal in my mind while practicing.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what would you suggest as a competition for new archers?</strong></li> </ul> <p>any local/state tournament. it will be smaller, and they can learn what tournaments feel like.</p> <ul> <li><strong>which key skills are most important to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>consistency and aiming.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you tell new archers looking to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>my advice is to work as hard as you can, but make sure you’re having fun because that is what this sport is about.</p> <h2>crispin duenas – canada: recurve</h2> <p><img alt='' src='https://www.archery360.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/3-crispin-duenas-world-archery.jpg' /></p> <p>crispin duenas’ degree in physics helps him understand the mechanics and science behind archery. photo credit: world archery</p> <ul> <li><strong>when did you realize you wanted to get into archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>when i was about 13 years old, and had already tried a lot of other sports. the allure of the precision of archery drew me to it, and still keeps me striving to be the best i can be.</p> <ul> <li><strong>where did you start practicing?</strong></li> </ul> <p>at a club northwest of toronto called the archers of caledon. my first experience was with saturday morning lessons, and i enjoyed it from day 1. back then i only practiced once a week because of the long drive to the club (about an hour), and also because i had to borrow their equipment.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what techniques did you focus on when starting, and which techniques do you focus on now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i mainly focused on having a crisp follow-through. i was coached to focus on this because it was something that, apparently, plenty of archers struggle with. i felt that was an important thing to learn from the beginning, because it was one of the longest things for me to perfect. to this day i’m always looking for ways to improve my shot, especially my release.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what steps did you take to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i made sure to compete in as many higher-level competitions that i could. when i was a novice, this meant i was going to the canadian and american national championships, as well as other competitions around canada, the u.s., and mexico. i believe these were a great way for me to get some good experience shooting beside some of the best archers on the continent.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you tell new archers looking to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>it’s not easy to get to the elite level, but when you do, you will see it was absolutely worth all the time and sacrifice you put into it. you should be willing to learn as much as you can, and go with the information that’s most relevant to you. be as adaptive as possible. that leads to more success than being stubborn and sticking to one way of shooting or thinking.</p> <h2>khatuna lorig – usa archery: recurve</h2> <p><img alt='' src='https://www.archery360.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/4-khatuna-lorig-world-archery.jpg' /></p> <p>lorig’s journey has lead her to some amazing places: the olympics, coaching actresses, and a spot on a television commercial. photo credit: world archery</p> <ul> <li><strong>when did you realize you wanted to get into archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i started shooting in middle school after being recruited to the sport. i was the youngest of the group, and it was a free program that got me out of class, so i decided to go with it. i realized i wanted to stick with it at the 1992 olympic games in barcelona. we ended up losing the chance to shoot for gold and took home the bronze medal. i realized i had to win, and that i cared whether we won. archery makes me feel strong.</p> <ul> <li><strong>where did you first practice? was it a large facility or smaller range?</strong></li> </ul> <p>at the facility in then-soviet georgia. we shared the place with other athletes, and it was always cold. we mostly shot at 30 meters. there were no safety rules enforced. if you walked out onto the range while others were shooting, you were going to get hit. it was up to you to use your common sense, and learn not to do that. when the group started out, there were 40 of us. after nine months it dwindled to six. after that i ended up being the only one who stayed with it.</p> <ul> <li><strong>how often did you practice then, and how often do you practice now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i practiced six days a week then and continue to practice six days a week now. when i practiced after school, i would get home at 1:30 p.m., then i would clean, do chores, go to practice at 4 and be home by 6:30. i still practice six days a week, but will sometimes take it easy if i’ve had three intensive days of training in a row. i also work out three days a week. i do lower body exercises every morning, and shoot 300 arrows every practice session. i want to make every arrow count, and i make sure i know how every arrow scored. i used to hate taking breaks to go to the doctor. now i go to the chiropractor twice a week so they can put me back together. it’s important to listen to your body. less is more; make sure you take breaks. don’t shoot all day if you don’t have to. if you find it’s difficult to take time away to practice, make it a family sport and shoot together.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what techniques did you focus on when you started, and which techniques do you focus on now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>back tension and my posture when i hold the bow. it’s much more customized now. coach lee gives us clear steps on what to do, including back tension. i had no clue about it previously. it helps to know what steps you’re missing, and focus on being precise. i also focus on the mental component. in archery, you can fall from the ladder as quickly as you climbed it. an archer ranked no. 1 can lose to an archer ranked no. 64. never underestimate an archer or a team.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what was the most important thing you learned at the beginning?</strong></li> </ul> <p>shoot for gold, shoot aggressively and with determination. when i was first shooting in then-soviet georgia, i learned to listen to the coach or get scolded. one time, the russian head coach wanted to experiment, so they strapped us down to an electrical chair and measure our heart rate on a giant screen in a dark room. they’d make random noises in the room to startle us, and if the square measuring our heart rate hit the lines above it, we’d receive a shock, similar to a yellowjacket sting. i got better at it, so the next time they turned up the intensity. it was very intense, but it made me mentally prepared.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you wish someone would have told you then?</strong></li> </ul> <p>care less about what others are doing and concentrate on yourself. you can only help other people so much. you might just be trying to help, but they might not understand. take one or two steps back and concentrate on yourself. does that make sense or is it too selfish?</p> <ul> <li><strong>what’s the best advice you received?</strong></li> </ul> <p>the question is whether i received any advice. my father told me to not forget that i was his daughter, and to not make him ashamed of me. he’s very proud of me today.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what steps did you take to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i quit my job and moved to chula vista, california, and just trained. i knew i wanted to achieve more, and that i wanted to win with team usa. i thought that trusting coach lee to change my technique was a risk, but i only got better.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what would you suggest as a competition for new archers?</strong></li> </ul> <p>start with local competitions, and then move to state championships. don’t jump directly into a giant competition. make sure you’ve having fun.</p> <ul> <li><strong>which key skills are most important to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>flexibility and remaining calm. don’t show your emotions. no matter what happens, remain humble. always smile and respect the people who admire you. somebody is looking up to you, so behave yourself. i love kids and will always put my bow down to talk to them. they’re our future and i want to give them the best example.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what advice do you offer new archers looking to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>train properly and patiently to avoid injury. make sure you respect the olympians, and learn how to communicate with them and listen to them. train hard; nothing will come to you on a plate. there will be pain and you’ll get frustrated, but don’t let that kill your motivation and your dreams. acknowledge the mistakes.</p> <h2>john demmer iii – usa archery: barebow</h2> <p><img alt='' src='https://www.archery360.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/5-john-demmer-world-archery.jpg' /></p> <p>john demmer started out competing in 3d archery, but eventually started competing in target competitions. photo credit: world archery</p> <ul> <li><strong>when did you realize you wanted to get into archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i grew up on a farm, so everybody in my area, including my family, hunted. for the first couple of years i did nothing but hunt with a rifle. my cousin came up every year to stay with us for archery season. after talking to him about all the deer he was seeing, and how relaxing it was without many people in the woods, i started wanting to get into (bow)hunting, and get more time in the woods. there was an archery shop 15 minutes away, and i’d always go down there before hunting season to practice and get my stuff ready. i found out they had a 3d league, and they talked to me about how they go to some big 3d shoots, like the ibo triple crown and worlds. they told me i should look into it, and eventually i went with him and loved it. i shot 3d for a few years, then got burned out, so i found target archery.</p> <ul> <li><strong>was it difficult to transition from 3d shooting to target archery?</strong></li> </ul> <p>it definitely felt different and took a little bit to transition, because it became more of a form game than 3d. the 3d targets we shot had a big 6-inch circle. the targets in target archery, depending on the tournament, can be much smaller.</p> <ul> <li><strong>where did you first practice? was it a large facility or smaller range?</strong></li> </ul> <p>the place is called deckers bows and more, and it was the first place i trained outside of the backyard. it has an indoor 3d range and two other ranges.</p> <ul> <li><strong>how often did you practice then, and how often do you practice now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>it all depends on whether something’s coming up. if i have a big shoot coming up and it’s important to me to be the best i can be, then i will train harder. if it’s a target national event that i love, i’ll train for three weeks leading up to it. i will overtrain the first week to build up my strength, then i will maintain strength the next two weeks and try to shoot four to five scores that week. if my body is good and my mind is good, that’s what i try to do. if i’m not feeling great, then obviously i back down the training just a little bit. if i have nothing coming up soon, then i might shoot once or twice a week. if i don’t have time for that, i generally won’t make it happen if it doesn’t come naturally.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what techniques did you focus on when you started, and which techniques do you focus on now?</strong></li> </ul> <p>i honestly can say i had zero direction when i started. this makes me sound really old, but i started in the days where not everybody had internet. i didn’t know about online forums or anything, so everything i learned was on my own the first five to eight years.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what was the best advice you received?</strong></li> </ul> <p>the first time i got any advice was at the first ibo worlds i went to. i was shooting in the final day, in the final-five group, and i got some advice to lighten my poundage and shoot with three fingers. the next great advice i received was from a very good friend, paul vogel. he gave me some pointers on picking a good anchor point. i still use that same anchor point to this day 70% of the time. the only time i don’t is when it’s at 50 meters. then i lower it just a little bit. now i focus on consistent form and the shot process. there is no shortcut, but there is a predominant blueprint there, and if it’s followed, great things happen. i follow and focus on that blueprint. it never fails. every time i deviate from it, things go subpar.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what do you wish someone would have told you back then?</strong></li> </ul> <p>how much fun i could have doing it. i would have got into it a little bit earlier if i’d known. what i have come to love and appreciate more than anything, more than winning national championships, world archery medals, representing the united states, more than all of that, is the lifelong bond and friendships i’ve made with some tremendous people through the years. the vogels, the stoners, lyndes, bills, dillinger, mozart and many others. that’s what i most appreciate in this sport.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what steps did you take to get to the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>other than the couple of ibo shoots over four years, i mostly did state and regional stuff. there weren’t a lot of shooters, but it was good.</p> <ul> <li><strong>which key skills are the most important to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>the desire to do well, but at the same time learning to stop caring about individual arrow results. focus on making well-executed shot after well-executed shot.</p> <ul> <li><strong>what advice do you offer new archers looking to reach the olympic level?</strong></li> </ul> <p>find great archers and ask questions. figure out what got them there and see where you’re lacking. don’t get stuck on asking one individual, ask a few. that way you have a broader perspective and find what’s right for you. it really boils down to practice, determination, and focusing on the right things.</p> <p> </p> <p>no matter how or where you start practicing, if you remain dedicated and participate in competitions, you’ll find success. climb the ladder as slowly or quickly as you like, but enjoy the ride to the top.</p> <p><a href='https://www.archery360.com/2019/10/23/how-five-top-archers-got-their-start/?fbclid=iwar3q1n1lhoifru1j012uciklaojqtmadkfubzd-kf6hufxltlgdkv0gevv4' target='_blank'>original article on archery 360.</a></p> General Archery Sun, 8 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/12/how-five-top-archers-got-their-start 6 Reasons to Buy Bows at the Local Archery Shop https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/12/six-reasons-to-buy-at-the-local-archery-shop <p>thousands of bows and crossbows are available to purchase online with a few clicks of the mouse. they’ll be delivered to your door and best of all, prices are ultra-competitive. in fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to find comparable pricing inside any brick-and-mortar retail store.</p> <p>but when it comes to new bows, in person is still the best way to buy. i worked for 10 years in a family owned archery pro shop. i was immersed in all facets of the retail business and was responsible for duties ranging from servicing bows to purchasing merchandise to working the sales floor. many things have changed since i last wore a retail cap, but i’m still an advocate for archery pro shops.</p> <p>i’m not saying that you can’t find great bows online. you can. bear archery, for example, offers nice rth (read to hunt) <a href='https://beararchery.com/product/av83a11007l' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>bow packages</a>. but, be sure to understand that these bows aren’t ready to take hunting as soon as they arrive on your doorstep. some setup and adjustments will be required, and then you’ll need to dial it in beforehand. rth simply implies that the bow is fully outfitted with accessories.</p> <p>bowhunting requires time and dedication. to excel at it, you must be outfitted with quality equipment that has been tailored specifically for you. don’t expect to shoot your new bow — even if it’s an expensive name-brand — with automatic deadly accuracy. there’s so much more to it than that. a pro shop technician is indispensable in getting you properly outfitted with the correct bow, specs and accessories. but here are six additional benefits you’ll get from a pro shop that you can’t find online.</p> <p><img alt='shopping at an archery pro shop gives you access to premium brand-new bow makes/models that aren’t available across the internet. (darron mcdougal photo)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-1187.jpg?itok=ho8wpcsc' /></p> <p>shopping at an archery pro shop gives you access to premium brand-new bow makes/models that aren’t available across the internet. (darron mcdougal photo)</p> <p> </p> <h4>1. access to premium brands and models</h4> <p>just as you can’t find a new-off-the-line silverado at john smith’s used cars (you have to visit a chevy dealership), certain bow manufacturers only allow brick-and-mortar pro shops to sell their products. you won’t find brand-new bows from brands like <a href='https://hoyt.com/compound-bows/carbon-rx-3' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>hoyt </a>or <a href='https://www.mathewsinc.com/product/vertix/' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>mathews </a>online, and other brands — including <a href='https://www.psearchery.com/product/evoke-31/' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>pse</a> and <a href='https://beararchery.com/product/av98c30007l' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>bear</a> — only sell their top-end flagships through dealers as well.</p> <p><img alt='before you purchase a new bow, the benefit of going the pro-shop route is test-firing several bows so you can feel the differences. (darron mcdougal photo)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-1195.jpg?itok=q2uob_h9' /></p> <p>before you purchase a new bow, the benefit of going the pro-shop route is test-firing several bows so you can feel the differences. (darron mcdougal photo)</p> <p> </p> <h4>2. assistance with choosing the right bow</h4> <p>if you don’t know your draw length or what constitutes good shooting form, shopping for a new bow can be perplexing — and shopping for it online can be disastrous. you could end up buying a bow you hate or that doesn’t fit. you won’t be able to shoot it consistently, which means money wasted. on the other hand, if you’re green to the bow-buying process, you’ll be in good hands at a pro shop. an expert will help you find the right bow for your build and stature, plus you’ll get to test-shoot bows and feel the differences. that way, you can be sure you’re buying a bow you’ll love and shoot well.</p> <p><img alt='reputable pro shops don’t charge labor for setting up your bow, so long as you purchase it from them and not online. (darron mcdougal photo)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-1210.jpg?itok=7mldqoox' /></p> <p>reputable pro shops don’t charge labor for setting up your bow, so long as you purchase it from them and not online. (darron mcdougal photo)</p> <p> </p> <h4>3. free set up</h4> <p>sure, the bow you’re looking at online might include accessories, but it won’t be properly set up and adjusted for you. it can’t be; you must appear in person to have things set and adjusted based on your stature and shooting form. on the other hand, i’ve never known an archery shop that doesn’t include free set up with a new bow purchase. it’s a nice value-add that dealers use as an incentive.</p> <p>consider these points when choosing between in-store or online shopping. not only must accessories be installed correctly but there are many other points that must be addressed. the peep sight must be set at the correct height for the individual shooter. draw length must be set. poundage must be adjusted. the bow must be paper-tuned. arrows must be spined correctly for the bow. the list continues. of course, diy-savvy archers can tackle these operations on their own given the proper equipment and knowhow, but most bowhunters rarely have the time, expertise or equipment to do so. this explains why taking the bow to a pro shop is wise. now, setting up a bow correctly takes most technicians up to two hours, and most shops charge $40 to $50 per hour in labor — but again, that fee is usually waived when you buy your bow there.</p> <p><img alt='if you aren’t sure what to look for in a bow, assistance from a bow technician can be your saving grace. you won’t find that same level of expertise online. (darron mcdougal photo)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-1191.jpg?itok=--cxduok' /></p> <p>if you aren’t sure what to look for in a bow, assistance from a bow technician can be your saving grace. you won’t find that same level of expertise online. (darron mcdougal photo)</p> <p> </p> <h4>4. free expertise and information</h4> <p>when you purchase a bow from an archery shop, you usually get access to a wealth of information. i’ve never heard of any customer being charged for asking questions. during and after the purchase, bow technicians are usually happy to field any archery or bowhunting-related questions their customers have. you probably won’t get that level of perpetual advice from online retailers. buy your bow from a pro shop, and the bow technician is always just a phone call away.</p> <p><img alt='in the event that your internet-purchased bow malfunctions, you’ll facilitate the warranty transaction directly with the manufacturer. or, the manufacturer might require you to take your bow to an authorized dealer, which will be expensive since you didn’t buy the bow from them. buy your next bow from a pro shop, and they’ll usually handle warranty transactions free of charge. (darron mcdougal photo)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-0201.jpg?itok=chbtlkl9' /></p> <p>in the event that your internet-purchased bow malfunctions, you’ll facilitate the warranty transaction directly with the manufacturer. or, the manufacturer might require you to take your bow to an authorized dealer, which will be expensive since you didn’t buy the bow from them. buy your next bow from a pro shop, and they’ll usually handle warranty transactions free of charge. (darron mcdougal photo)</p> <p> </p> <h4>5. free follow-up service visit</h4> <p>yes, reputable archery pro shops will send you out the door with a well-tuned bow no matter if you bought it from them or online. but if you buy from them, they not only set it up for free, but most encourage you to return for a free checkup once you’ve shot a hundred or more arrows through the bow. things change. peep sights twist and d-loops fray. a good dealer will fix these dilemmas for free on your first follow-up visit, and many will continue handling these small problems for free as long as you own the bow.</p> <p><img alt='carrying a bow afield that was purchased from a pro shop and setup by a professional bow technician instills unbridled confidence. (photo courtesy of hoyt archery)' src='https://www.realtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/site_large/public/content/inserts/2019/rt-cyber-bows-0159.jpg?itok=xv-rzfwk' /></p> <p>carrying a bow afield that was purchased from a pro shop and setup by a professional bow technician instills unbridled confidence. (photo courtesy of hoyt archery)</p> <p> </p> <h4>6. assistance with warranty cases</h4> <p>archery pro shops serve as vital middlemen between you and the manufacturer. they begin by submitting the warranty card for you upon purchase. then, they can provide the manufacturer with your bow’s serial number and communicate the problem to them. they usually handle shipping the bow out, if necessary, or ordering the correct parts to fix it. and when the bow or parts come in, the pro shop sets it back up at no charge if you bought the bow from them. you’ll likely be charged the hourly fee i mentioned earlier if you purchase the bow online.</p> <p>inadvertently, some equipment breakdowns happen during hunting season, which eats up precious hunting time. the longer your warranty case takes, the longer you must wait to get back into the woods. i’ve known some dealers that provided their customers with a loaner bow or crossbow to use until theirs was fixed. you can expect that above-and-beyond service when you buy your bow from a pro shop.</p> <h4>so, go pro</h4> <p>you can save some money by purchasing your next bow online. and for some people, that’s the right option. but it’s the wrong option for others. it’s hard to put a price on the benefits of buying in a store like i’ve discussed here. certainly, they’re worth far more than the short-term savings you’ll get by purchasing online. visit a reputable pro shop the next time you’re in the market for a new bow. they’ll go the distance and view you as a friend, not mere dollar signs. in my eyes, that’s as good as it gets.</p> <p>originally on <a href='https://www.realtree.com/bowhunting/articles/6-reasons-to-buy-bows-at-the-local-archery-shop?fbclid=iwar0nq0oov5g-vlce6_sa84eijbqg3ury11i1sy5_b-43mgtc-v9qntjqgiq' target='_blank'>realtree.com</a>.</p> General Archery Sun, 1 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/12/six-reasons-to-buy-at-the-local-archery-shop Archery Equipment Market Projected to Witness Vigorous Expansion by 2028 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/11/archery-equipment-market-projected-expansion <div class='entry-content clearfix'> <p>innovation has entered the sphere of archery with smart archery equipment being introduced by manufacturers in the international market to stay ahead of competition. earlier this year, two state-of-the-art auto-range digitalized laser powered bow sights were introduced in the <strong><a href='https://www.factmr.com/report/842/archery-equipment-market'>archery equipment market</a> </strong>– the one-of-a-kind archery equipment to be launched in the market. the groundbreaking technology underpinning this latest archery equipment helps archers automatically measure the distance range to the target and offers a virtually lit pin that helps achieve a perfect shot. these bow sights have been launched in partnership with the 2018 archery trade association (ata) trade show held in indianapolis at the start of the year.</p> <h3><strong>request to view sample of research report @ <a href='https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=s&rep_id=842'>https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=s&rep_id=842</a></strong></h3> <p>high-tech innovation has redefined the paradigms of traditional archery equipment sold in the international market. conventional archery equipment designs have evolved over the years, incorporating innovative raw material to manufacture bows and arrows to bring about a significant jump in performance of archery equipment. these advanced archery equipment do come with an associated high cost factor; however, the trade-off is worth it, given the fact that technology enabled archery equipment is more accurate and performs exceedingly well.</p> <p><strong>focused initiatives by government bodies and archery institutions to support archery equipment sales</strong></p> <p>governments across the world are realizing the benefits of including archery as a sport in schools, as the practice of archery is believed to benefit children in many ways. practicing archery helps cultivate mental stamina and self-confidence in young children and archery has been included in the sports curriculum of certain schools in some of the states of the u.s. organizations such as usa archery and national field archery association offer several programs such as national archery in the schools program (nasp), junior olympic archery development program (joad), and after school archery program (asap) to encourage school children to participate in archery. this has led to a surge in the demand and adoption of archery equipment, thereby positively impacting revenue growth of the archery equipment market.</p> <p><strong>sales of archery equipment to receive a fillip with increased focus on archery as a recreational activity</strong></p> <p>archery is fast becoming more of an activity of recreation and a large number of people across the world are indulging in this sport to ease their daily work and life stress. archery trade association data indicates that the participation of adult americans in archery has increased exponentially in the last few years. this has naturally led to a spur in demand for archery equipment and the market for archery equipment is projected to stay on an upward growth path in the coming years. further, the last few years have witnessed an increasing participation by women in the sport of archery. with archery now part of olympics, the number of women archers has increased and this trend is expected to continue into the future. this means increased adoption and subsequently sales of archery equipment, thereby pushing revenue growth of the archery equipment market.</p> <p>archery as a sport is finding widespread adoption across key regions of the globe. asian countries such as china and korea continue to dominate in various international archery competitions. this is projected to boost the revenue share of archery equipment in the asia pacific region in the near future.</p> <h3>for more detailed information about methodology @ <a href='https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=rm&rep_id=842'>https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=rm&rep_id=842</a></h3> <p><strong>archery equipment to be sold through diverse sales channels</strong></p> <p>archery equipment continues to be sold through independent sports outlets, modern trade channels, direct to customer channels, and third party online channels. of these, sales through third party online channels is anticipated to witness the highest growth rate through 2028, followed by sales through the direct to customer channel. different buyer types including individuals, promotional buyers, as well as institutional buyers leverage multiple sales and distribution channels to meet their requirements for archery equipment.</p> </div> <p>story by midnight stocks.</p> General Archery Fri, 1 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2019/11/archery-equipment-market-projected-expansion People flood to Appling for archery tournament https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/5/people-flood-to-appling-for-archery-tournament <p>a pro-am archery tournament is back in the augusta area for the third year in a row.</p> <p>the leupold asa tour kicked off thursday at wildwood park, in appling. the tournament brings in almost 2,000 archers from more than 35 states.</p> <p>people also come to the event from other countries, including canada, england and denmark.</p> <p>cole knox says there’s plenty to do at wildwood park during the tournament.</p> <p>"you don't even have to be shooting, there's lots of activities to do. you can meet new people, meet the pros. if you do decide you want to shoot, there's classes for everybody all the way from beginner, first time picking up a bow to professional. so it's a sport for everyone."</p> <p>more than 60 vendors and sponsors will be there.</p> <p>the leupold asa tour is expected to bring in over a million dollars to the region.</p> <p>original article on <a href='http://www.wrdw.com/content/news/people-flood-to-appling-for-archery-tournament-480987391.html' target='_blank'><strong>12 wrdw</strong></a>.</p> General Archery Thu, 10 May 2018 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/5/people-flood-to-appling-for-archery-tournament History of: How Hoyt Archery Became a Dominant Name in Bowhunting https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/5/how-hoyt-archery-became-a-dominant-name <p>beyond throwing rocks, archery is perhaps the most universal known means of warfare and hunting throughout the world. dating to over 10,000 years ago and – with the exception of australasia – practiced virtually everywhere occupied by humankind.</p> <p>while largely replaced by the firearm at the start of the modern age, the bow and arrow remained an exclusively noble sport in many places until it experienced a renaissance in the 19th century as a sport of elegance and skill for both men and women.</p> <p>the archery clubs of the victorian age defined the activity as a civilized sport where the affluent had custom equipment made to their own requirements, often with costumes honoring robin hood. </p> <p><img alt='history of hoyt archery' src='https://outdoorhub-res.cloudinary.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:low,w_auto,dpr_auto/https://www.outdoorhub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/04/hoyt1.jpeg' /></p> <p><a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/archery#/media/file:the_meeting_of_the_royal_british_bowmen_in_the_grounds_of_erthig,_denbighshire.jpeg' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>wikimedia</a></p> <p>with the 20th century, and especially the 1920’s, the attitude that everyone should have access to leisure pursuits dominated the west, and most particularly, in the us.  the middle class bought what was previously reserved just for the wealthy: radios, automobiles, washing machines; why not a refined sport previously reserved for much of the aristocracy?</p> <p>enter one of the most prominent names in the modern world of archery: <a href='https://hoyt.com/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>hoyt</a>.</p> <p>earl hoyt sr started producing wooden bows and cedar arrows from within his st. louis, missouri workshop in 1931. though the nation was in the throes of the depression, the enforced frugality may have actually helped the appeal of well made archery equipment; it is not difficult to see how the appeal of reusable arrows and discrete use helped jump start the modern sport of bow hunting. however, archery was already a prominent sport in scout programs and even made a brief appearance in four of the first six summer olympics. </p> <p>hoyt began his mission with draw knives, wooden billets, and rollers to create the best recurve bows available with technology that was little changed in hundreds of years. the fact that hoyt’s company endured through the great depression is as good a testament as any to the quality and appeal his products offered their customers, both then and today.</p> <p>in many places, such as ancient egypt, archery virtually predates the wheel in human history. unlike the wheel, however, hoyt saw that archery equipment could always be improved with the latest manufacturing equipment, techniques and materials. throughout the 1940’s to the 1960’s, hoyt archery established a position on the cutting edge of new archery technology.</p> <p>at the end of world war ii, hoyt archery began a string of new innovations including reinforced plastics in production bows in 1946; over draw bows and semi anatomic grips in 1948; deflex reflex designs for modern recurve bows in 1951. in 1953 the first short recurve hunting bow was released as a compact means to go into the field.  this later design borrowed heavily from older, horse archer bow designs, albeit with modern materials and modern accessories. </p> <p>further developments continued with patents through the 1960’s, as more americans became interested in archery, specifically for hunting but also for sport shooting – especially for <a href='http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/nasp.htm' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>youth</a> participants. in 1969 a patent was issued to holless wilbur allen for a new type of bow: the compound bow.</p> <p><img alt='history of hoyt archery' src='https://outdoorhub-res.cloudinary.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:low,w_auto,dpr_auto/https://www.outdoorhub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/04/hoyt2.jpg' /></p> <p><a href='http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/images/education/nasp-shooting_line.jpg' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>state.nj.us</a></p> <p>archers, or “toxophilites,” could let loose their arrows at unimaginable weights and velocities from a recurve or straight bow.  this opened the sport up to shooters who did not have the upper body strength to shoot at targets further afield.</p> <p>in 1972, after a 48 year absence, archery returned to the summer olympics, and hoyt was there. at munich, hoyt bows were utilized to win the gold in both men and women’s archery events. in the 46 years since, more <a href='https://hoyt.com/about-us' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>olympians</a> have won using hoyt archery equipment than any other. this is not to say the equipment makes the archer, rather the best archers in the world use a hoyt when it matters most to them. in fact, in the 2012 summer games in salt lake city, ut, every archer who competed, did so using a hoyt <a href='http://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=54890096&itype=cmsid' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>bow</a>.</p> <p>in 1983 hoyt was purchased by <a href='https://eastonarchery.com/company/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>jas d. easton</a> incorporated. in a move that often means the end of small business attention to detail in the pursuit of bottom line profits, easton and hoyt have appeared to blend the best of both organizations to the benefit of company and customers. under easton inc. hoyt did not get cheaper, but rather larger and more competitive in the making of modern equipment.</p> <p>the year before the salt lake games, hoyt continued releasing the latest and greatest technological achievement: the carbon element. this was the first in what would be an extensive line of <a href='https://www.outdoorlife.com/features/chasing-speed-fastest-compound-bow/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>carbon</a> based bows that were both light weight, yet stronger than laminate or aluminum bows.  </p> <p>american owned and operated, hoyt expanded from its unassuming st. louis workshop to a 150,000 foot manufacturing facility in salt lake city where it operates as the world’s premier bowmaker. the primary goal of its employees is to provide the highest level of quality, whether it be hunting in the field or competing on the tournament <a href='https://hoyt.com/about-us' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>line</a>. as a mark of that success, hoyt has expanded outside the world of exclusive competitors and hunters but also mainstream media, bringing the art of archery further into mainstream media consciousness. </p> <p>movies expand the public’s awareness of products, often with somewhat exaggerated details. yet, when it comes to the new age of archery, the movies focus upon the strengths of not only archery in general but also hoyt bows.</p> <p><img alt='history of hoyt archery' src='https://outdoorhub-res.cloudinary.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:low,w_auto,dpr_auto/https://www.outdoorhub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/04/hoyt3.jpg' /></p> <p><a href='http://www.cartertown.com/rambobows.htm' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>cartertown</a></p> <p><u>rambo ii</u> in 1985 and <u>rambo iii</u> in 1988 presented audiences with a custom hoyt <a href='http://www.cartertown.com/rambobows.htm' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>spectra</a>bow. while spectra was unique to the movie, hoyt/easton quickly capitalized on the movie to offer a new model based upon the film version – explosive arrow tips were, sadly, not offered as accessories.</p> <p>more recently hoyt’s buffalo hunting recurve bow was used by the character <a href='https://www.archery360.com/2014/02/19/hawkeye-shoot-hoyt-avengers-age-ultron/4' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>hawkeye</a> in the <u>avengers</u> movie, as well as by <a href='https://www.archery360.com/2013/11/19/jennifer-lawrence-shoots-hoyt-buffalo-bow-easton-x7-eclipse-arrows-hunger-games-catching-fire/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>katniss everdeen</a> in the <u>hunger game</u> series – these were versions of the same bow renowned bow hunter <a href='http://fredeichler.com/' rel='noopener' target='_blank'>fred eichler</a> favors as one of his signature bows. the hoyt gamemaster ii was used by hawkeye in <u>the avengers ii: age of ultron</u>. </p> <p>while hoyt’s leadership will not shy out of the limelight blockbuster movies shine upon their products, and the sport in general, it certainly brings in new customers and tomorrow’s enthusiasts.</p> <p>hoyt’s business model and sales continue to be devoted to the customer who is prepared to excel in the sport of hunting or target competitions. “no gimmicks,” the website says, just the best they know how to do. and what they know comes with almost a century of experience and premier innovations that have led the archery market.</p> <p>trick or – more accurately – impossible shots on the big screen are exciting for movie goers to marvel over, but when the bow hunter or competitive shooter is ready to get serious, they grab a hoyt.</p> <p>article by <a href='https://www.outdoorhub.com/stories/2018/04/23/creating-a-hunting-club-turkeys-trespassers-and-more/' target='_blank'><strong>outdoorhub</strong></a>.</p> General Archery Thu, 10 May 2018 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/5/how-hoyt-archery-became-a-dominant-name Nocking arrow with anticipation https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/2/nocking-arrow-with-anticipation <p>i waited three long days for it to be delivered.</p> <p>three days is a long time for a nine-year-old kid to wait for a bow-and-arrow set he’d picked out of the eaton’s catalogue to be delivered. i was so proud as i ventured outside with bow in hand and my four wooden arrows in a homemade quiver. as i recall, i only had the darned thing a few hours before i managed to snap it in half. it took me the better part of two years to save up enough money to purchase a bow of better quality. that was a long time ago and both those bows are a part of the distant past. however, my interest in archery has always lingered and, over the years, i have owned a variety of bows and all i can say is that each and every time i have nocked an arrow and drawn back the bow string, i have felt both a sense of anticipation and challenge.</p> <p><ins>according to wikipedia, archery is the sport, practice or skill of using a bow to propel arrows. historically, archery was used for both hunting and as a weapon in combat. in modern times, it is still a popular way to hunt, as well as a competitive sport and recreational activity.</ins></p> <p>whether your plan is to shoot just for fun or ascend the podium at an archery competition, archery can be both fun and challenging. archery provides a great upper-body, not to mention a cardio workout, especially at 3-d shoots where participants have to walk from target to target along a course and retrieve their arrows.</p> <p>modern archery shoots and/or competitions feature three primary disciplines: target, field and 3-d. target archery consists of shooting at bull’s-eye style, multi-coloured targets at prescribed distances. generally, target archers shoot 18 metres (about 20 yards) indoors, and 30 to 90 metres outdoors, depending on the set up. target archers can compete at local, regional, national and international levels. there are both indoor and outdoor ranges right here in salmon arm. (for further information contact: salmon arm archery club and/or salmon arm fish and game club)</p> <p>field archery is often shot on a roving course in the woods with paper targets 20 feet to 80 yards away. participants hike along a defined course and shoot targets at uphill and downhill angles.</p> <p>at 3-d archery events and tournaments, competitors walk a wooded or open course and shoot at three-dimensional lifelike animal targets at different distances.</p> <p>an easy way to get a better understanding and feel of each type of discipline is to drop by an event organized by an archery group, or an archery store that also has an indoor shooting range. most avid archers and/or sales staff are quite willing to answer questions. once you’ve researched which types of archery you’d like to try, contact an appropriate archery club or organization to help you get started. by joining a club, you can participate in local, regional and nationwide programs at both youth and adult levels that can be either purely recreational or competitive. clubs quite often offer weekly shoots where new potential members can drop by and try out a hands-on archery experience. clubs also offer consistent coaching and access to league and tournament shoots and competitions.</p> <p>when choosing which type of bow to shoot, again it is best to check with local experts who can explain each of the three archery disciplines, as well as provide an opportunity to try out different bows and equipment. in basic terms, your options are the olympic-style recurve bow, a compound bow and, for traditionalists, a longbow. what bow you choose depends on what feels good to you as an archer and appeals to you as a discipline.</p> <p>as i said at the beginning, i have had a lifelong interest in archery. and having said that, i regretfully have to also say that i never joined an archery club. be that as it may, i did recently attend a day-long archery workshop. boy did i learn a lot. i learned that over the years i have managed to acquire a variety of bad shooting habits. the instructors were more than kind and i am now in the process of correcting those bad habits. there really are huge benefits to learning from someone who is knowledgeable.</p> <p>in spite of my age and shortcomings, last weekend, when i nocked that first arrow and drew back the bow string, i really did feel both a sense of anticipation and challenge.</p> <p>original article on <a href='https://www.saobserver.net/opinion/column-nocking-arrow-with-anticipation/' target='_blank'><strong>salmon arm observer</strong></a>.</p> General Archery Sun, 18 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/2/nocking-arrow-with-anticipation Ellison Defends Classic Title After Lancaster Shoot-Up https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/1/ellison-defends-classic-title-at-lancaster <p>four-time hyundai archery world cup champion <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/5107'>brady ellison</a> beat canada’s <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/3613'>crispin duenas</a> in the recurve men’s final at the lancaster archery classic for the second consecutive year to successfully defend his title, and medal in his second consecutive major indoor tournament of the new year.</p> <p>ellison finished second at stage two of the indoor archery world cup in nimes, to <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/2631'>steve wijler</a>, just a week prior.</p> <p>“going from event to event is tough but it’s what i like to do. competing is really how i put food on the table for my family, so i have to stay strong through it all,” said ellison.</p> <p>the 29-year-old world number five missed the first two indoor archery world cup stages of the indoor season at the end of 2017, but has captured mid-season form fresh off the break.</p> <p>still working on his indoor gear, ellison said he’d shoot thin arrows, rather than fat, at his next event to help decide what would take him through vegas and the rest of the indoor season.</p> <p>the lancaster archery classic’s unique tournament structure attracts some of the world’s best archers and boasted an entry list numbering over 1200 in 2018.</p> <p>competitors shoot a 60-arrow qualifying round, scoring the world archery recurve 10 as 10 points and the compound 10 as 11 points.</p> <p>a head-to-head bracket then cuts the field down to the top four athletes (top eight in the men’s open – compound – division), before those remaining shoot-up to decide the podium positions. the lowest seed shoots against the next lowest seed, with the winner shooting against the next lowest seed, and so on.</p> <p><a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/6646'>sarah prieels</a> won the compound women’s title at the 2018 lancaster archery classic in just one match, entering the shoot-up as the top-ranked archer.</p> <p><a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/5514'>paul tedford</a>, the nimes bronze medallist, won the men’s event from the third-ranked position, beating jacob marlow, <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/7577'>chance beaubouef</a>and <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/19596'>sam wolthuis</a> to the top spot.</p> <p>former world-class podium finisher in the compound division <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/13351'>crystal gauvin</a> took the first medal of her young recurve career. she finished third in the women’s event, being knocked out by <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/20955'>casey kaufhold</a>, who in turn lost to rio 2016 olympian <a href='https://worldarchery.org/entry/8437'>mackenzie brown</a> in the final.</p> <p>the major event indoor archery season continues with the vegas shoot on 9-11 february, immediately followed by the world archery indoor championships in yankton, usa on 14-19 february 2018.</p> <p><em>the 2018 lancaster archery classic ran 26-28 january in manheim pa, usa.</em></p> General Archery Wed, 31 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/1/ellison-defends-classic-title-at-lancaster Let Your New Bow Choose You https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/1/let-your-new-bow-choose-you <p>if you 're reading this article, you've probably been bowhunting or target shooting for a while and even bought a new bow or three. if that's true, you might be set in your ways when it comes to seeking a new venison making machine. or, perhaps you are somewhat new to the game, and are not sure where to start. regard less, i am sure that someplace you have read the usual advice on how to choose a new hunting compound bow. rest assured the following is not the same old advice you've read before.</p> <p>that's true for two reasons. first, i have been doing this a long time and have seen the common mistakes many folks make. heck, i've made a lot of them myself. and second, the world of compound bows has changed drastically in just the last three years. there are so many excellent bows on today's market it can become somewhat confusing trying to sort them out. that also means that, if you follow the proper procedures, odds are good you'll come away with the best bow you've ever owned.</p> <h2>do not ...</h2> <p>before getting started, here are some common mistakes you can easily avoid when bow shopping.</p> <ul> <li>do not start shopping cold turkey. like any major purchase, you need to do your homework. start with the various manufacturer’s websites. get a feel for what’s available, and just as importantly, what new features are being hyped.<br />  </li> <li>do not buy from an internet retailer first thing. for some reason thousands of bow shooters quickly decide this is the bow for them, then think they can get the best deal by ordering one online from a major internet retailer or big-box store. bad idea, for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that if you buy sight unseen and then find the bow doesn’t fit right or you just do not like it, there are going to be problems. big problems.<br />  </li> <li>do not shop with a closed mind. your buddies all might like brand x, but this might not be the best bow for you. never forget that when it comes to compound bows, it is not a “one size fits all” kind of thing. there’s a great deal of brand allegiance in archery. don’t get caught up in it! take the time to try several different makes and models before you make a final decision.</li> </ul> <h2>do ...</h2> <p>ok. you've done some preliminary research and have a good idea what's out there, and what it costs. you should:</p> <ul> <li>visit a reputable archery pro shop. hopefully there is one within a reasonable driving distance of home. this is where everything should start. speak with shop personnel and tell them what you are interested in. then, before you do anything else, have them measure your draw length. it’s amazing how many shooters have never had this done. shooting a bow that is even just ½ inch too long or too short can keep you from being as consistently accurate as you can be.<br />  </li> <li>remember that there is no “best” compound bow – just the best one for you. with that in mind, now is the time to test shoot various models, and generally get the feel of as many bows as you can. most pro shops carry several different brands, so you can try a lot of bows. also, if there is more than one pro shop within a reasonable distance of your home that carry different brands, try and visit them all so you can shoot as many bows as possible. top bow makers today include arcus/obsession (<a href='http://www.archushunting.com/'>www.archushunting.com</a>), bear archery (<a href='http://www.beararchery.com/'>www.beararchery.com</a>), bowtech (<a href='http://www.bowtecharchery.com/'>www.bowtecharchery.com</a>), elite archery (<a href='http://www.elitearchery.com/'>www.elitearchery.com</a>), hoyt (<a href='http://www.hoyt.com/'>www.hoyt.com</a>), mathews (www. mathewsinc.com), parker (<a href='http://www.parkerbows.com/'>www.parkerbows.com</a>), g5 prime (<a href='http://www.g5prime.com/'>www.g5prime.com</a>), pse (<a href='http://www.pse-archery.com/'>www.pse-archery.com</a>), and xpedition archery (<a href='http://www.xpeditionarchery.com/'>www.xpeditionarchery.com</a>), among others.<br />  </li> <li>as you shoot several bows, keep in mind that not everything about bows is quantifiable. some are just going to feel better to you than others. this feeling is important! it may be intangible, but hunting and shooting with a bow that has the right “feel” and just somehow agrees with you will very likely make you a better shooter.<br />  </li> <li>try shooting different draw weights. most compounds sold today have a draw weight range of either 50 to 60 or 60 to 70 pounds. if the bow you are trying is a 70-pound bow, try shooting it at 65-pounds, too. you may be very surprised at how much easier it is to smoothly draw and hold the bow at full draw at the lower poundage, as well as shoot accurately – especially if you have to contort your body in a hunting or 3d situation. you’ll lose a little raw arrow speed, but so what? the point is that giving up a few pounds of draw weight at this level will not affect arrow penetration on deer-size game or a target.</li> </ul> <h2>basics of bow design</h2> <p>modern compound bows really are technological marvels. here are some things to consider about today's new modern bows:</p> <p>first, the trend is towards shorter bows with an overall axle-to-axle length of 30 to 34 inches, with 32 inches being a popular length. there are also many bow models with overall lengths of 34 to 38 inches. remember that while the shorter bows are lighter and easier to maneuver in the woods, they are also less forgiving in small flaws in your shooting form. also, their lighter weight makes them more difficult to hold steady at full draw, and their shorter length makes it harder to avoid torqueing the bow with your bow hand – one of the most common shooting flaws.</p> <p>brace height is another often overlooked design feature. brace height is defined as the distance from the bowstring to the grip. a shorter brace height equals more store energy equals more arrow speed - generally a good thing. however, shorter brace heights (today that is usually considered 6 inches or less) are less forgiving of small flaws in shooting form. many bows try and keep the brace height at or near 6 to 7 inches, which is a good number for most of us.</p> <p>the "draw cycle" of a bow describes what is technically known as the draw-force curve. basically speaking, the draw-force curve measures the varying amounts of draw weight you feel as you pull the bowstring back to full draw. as you draw, the bow there are three stages. in stage one, as you begin to draw, the weight increases. in stage two, it reaches its peak draw weight and plateaus. finally, stage three, it drops back down to arrive at a small percentage of the peak weight. now you're holding the bow at full draw.</p> <p>what's important here is that there are basically two types of draw cycles: smooth and a little jerky. smooth-drawing bows gradually rise to their peak weight then fall gently down to the holding weight at full draw. they are easy to draw smoothly, but they store less energy than a jerky-draw bow and, thus, shoot a bit slower arrow. on the other hand, a bow with a "jerky" draw ramps up the draw weight rapidly, then drops off sharply until to reach the holding weight at full draw. they are harder to draw, and much harder to draw smoothly. they are a bit more difficult to master, but they do store more energy and shoot a faster arrow, all other things being equal.</p> <p>this is a matter of personal preference, but most average archers shoot a smooth-drawing bow better. what is more important to me is that the bow offers a solid back wall, which means that when the bow is at full draw the bowstring does not want to "creep" forward. this sloppy back wall makes it very easy to slightly change your anchor point with every shot, which, of course, means poor accuracy. i avoid bows with sloppy back walls like the plague.</p> <p>what about single cam vs. one cam vs. hybrid cam vs. binary cam bows? don't worry about it. all have their plusses and minuses, and all are the centerpiece of excellent bows. the same is true in the solid vs. split limb debate. truth be known, either is a good choice - and it's really more a function of a particular how's design.</p> <h2>what about arrow speed?</h2> <p>generally speaking, faster is better when it comes to arrow speed. however, this isn't the only thing. as one of my very accomplished bowhunting buddies likes to say, ''i'd rather have a slow hit than a fast miss any day." how right he is!</p> <p>pretty much all manufacturers try and use both the ibo and amo speed rating systems to pump up the actual speed at which their bows can shoot a hunting-weight arrow. the only way you'll know how fast a particular bow shoots your arrow is to shoot it through a chronograph, which you can do at the pro shop.</p> <p>don't get caught up in the rocket speed game. i personally like to shoot my mid-weight hunting arrows - for my 28-inch draw length using a 100-grain broadhead/field tip; this means finished shafts weighing 400 grains, give or take 10 grains or so - in the 275 to 290 fps range, and have found that, for me at least, anything over 300 fps is more difficult to accurately shoot a mid-weight arrow than it is worth.</p> <h2>the bottom line</h2> <p>when it comes to compound bows, the truth is you really do get what you pay for. the most expensive bows usually have the most recent technological advances, are built to tight tolerances and are backed with a solid warranty. at the same time, there are many mid -priced compounds on the market today that are excellent.</p> <p>the key is to try as many different bows as you can, then let the new bow choose you. don't force it and don't be in a hurry. do not be afraid to shoot a bunch of bows, eliminate some, come back to the pro shop another day, shoot some more, eliminate some more, then do it again. at the end of the day you'll walk away with a product that will both be fun to shoot and help you put venison in the freezer for many years to come.</p> <p>that's what it is all about.</p> General Archery Wed, 31 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0800 https://www.ohioarchers.com/blog/listing.asp?2018/1/let-your-new-bow-choose-you