Single day event with two shooting times in Millersburg, Ohio.
New 2025 Shooting times are:
When you register, if your assigned shooting time on the registration does not match the above times, please contact us to see if there is a problem or your shooting class has been mis-assigned.
Shooting Distances by Age Group:
Note: You must shoot at the date and time listed corresponding to your shooting class and must be there 60 minutes prior to shooting. Registration is limited so register early to guarantee yourself a shooting spot. Practice will be 1/2 hour prior to shooting times. Show up 1 hour prior to shooting time to complete registration. Practice targets are $2.00/each CASH. Awards will be presented immediately after scores are entered, checked for accuracy – Approx. up to 1 hour after the shooting line time.
Registration Fees This Year...
Registration Fees: If you register online prior to March 10th, you will save $10 off the regular registration fee. Almost enough money to get that new 2025 OAA t-shirt or quiver towel at the shoot. Register early, save some money and help us make a better shoot.
Registration fees prior to March 10th
Registration fees on or after March 10th:
When registering, don't forget to select your shooting day/time. The registration form will reflect the correct registration fee based on the date/time you are registering.
Team Shooting:
The following teams will be offered this year at the 300 Championship:
Teams must be registered via email before the event. New team rules.
This is the new streamline registration form. The first time you register here you will have to complete all your information. Future event registrations, we will be able to look up your information based on your email address or nickname you create for yourself. Each person must have either a unique email address or nickname! One email address can be used for a family but each member of that family must have a unigue nickname. If you can't remember if you signed up for this shoot checkout our Tournament Registration Lookup page.
This form must be filled out completely! If you are not an NFAA/Ohio member, you select "None of the above / Guest" for Membership. Fields with must be filled in or your registration will be rejected until you complete those marked fields.